It is the mission of the Public Safety Communications Center to provide the vital link between our public safety agencies and our citizens we protect and serve. As employees of the Town of Auburn, dispatchers are the first true responders. We are the first voice you will hear when you have an emergency. We strive to ensure the preservation of life and property by treating all of those who use our services with professionalism, courtesy and compassion and by relaying accurate information in a timely and efficient manner. We are committed to serve the citizens and responders of Auburn with the highest standards.
Communications Director
Maryann O'Connor
Emergency Dispatchers
Anthony Doray
Brianna Parker
Alexander Cortese
Taylor Cordova
Luke Snay
Madison Hamill
Lydia Annunziata
Jose Aponte
Carrie Girardin
Part Time Emergency Dispatchers
Elizabeth Martinsen
Nicole Pray
Kayla Fontaine
Edila Seguin
If you're interested in one of our open positions, start by applying here and attaching your resume.
Auburn Police Dispatch Application (pdf)